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At present, Integrative Activism is simply the dream and effort of one average blue collar guy who needs considerable help to make this dream a viable enterprise. I'm painfully aware that I'm a crappy web-site builder and writer, but I'm persistent and have been developing this enterprise for an embarrassingly long time. So depending on your skills, talents and inclinations there are a variety of things you can do to help make Integrative Activism more viable.

There is also a need to fill various positions in boards of directors for some of the initiatives outlined within.


There are also many things anyone can do to make this a more sustainable, just, equitable and better world. There are a plethora of worthwhile nonprofit organizations that could use your support.... 


So here are some the ways you can help...

Honest feedback - let me know what you think.

Development Participation - Web Development

       Editing and Writing

and oh yeah, I could really use some funding. 

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